The term cloud computing is everywhere these days. I’m sure you’ve heard the word thrown around, but do you really understand what it means and how this can benefit your company in many ways?

The process of desktops and servers working together is called The Cloud. A simple test: if you can point to a physical server in your facility, then it’s not “the cloud” for us!

To make the cloud work for you, think of it as a platform where applications run. These computer services and other resources are shared over networks like the Internet that allow end users to gain access through their web browser or mobile app!

Many individuals and businesses are unaware that some of the most popular sites on today’s internet include a cloud-based service. Google, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn all fall under this category as do many other online destinations across various networks including Instagram or Tumblr for example!

The cloud is the best option for companies who need to store data, backup their information and ensure business continuity. The benefits include cost efficiency with its ability of being accessed anywhere or anytime due it only requiring an internet connection; increased capacity so you don’t have wait around in case there’s room on one machine when another might be available (which could mean greater productivity); plus flexibility because your applications will run just as expected no matter where they’re hosted!